Guiding Documents For FNL Airport


Northern Colorado Regional Airport: sparking innovative transportation and leading edge economic development, training, research and education throughout the region.


2020 Master Plan

The Northern Colorado Regional Airport recently completed the Master Plan update. Master Plans evaluates existing and future aviation demand, and provides a thorough analysis of future facility needs.

The Master Plan focuses on the physical development of Airport property and reserving space for forecasted aviation activity. In addition, other factors relating to the Airport and its environs have been evaluated, including surrounding land uses, environmental impacts, and infrastructure. The Master Plan also provides guidance for compatible development within the Airport Influence Area, yielding a community-supported, data-driven, achievable strategy for land use near the Airport.

Non-Compatible Land Use White Paper


Serving the region, we are a catalyst for innovation in all modes of transportation, a driving force for business and training, and a global gateway to a magnificent Colorado.


2023-24 Strategic Plan